What Women’s Tennis Says About “Equal” Pay
Award-winning journalist Matthew Syed recently wrote a compelling article on the rank hypocrisy evident in the tennis equal pay debate. This snippet from Syed brilliantly sums up the debacle that… read more
The Shameless Exploitation Of Domestic Violence In The NFL
A few weeks ago Quintus Curtius and Roosh had an impromptu conversation regarding the poisonous western culture and its irreparable damage in the U.S. During their talk Quintus opined that… read more
Why Karate Is The Most Beta Martial Art
When I was at school, Karate was by far the nerdiest “sport,” though even at the time I could understand its appeal to the pimply-faced, skinny-fat loser. It “teaches you… read more
Reflections On Blue Mountain State
It’s football season again, and for me, that means coming back to one golden tradition: watching Blue Mountain State. This was a show that used to air on Spike, and… read more
How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL
Football season is officially upon us, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t as excited as a kid on Christmas day. There are certain corners of the manosphere… read more
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