Stantons Heroes
Funny because it is true.
On the topic of the denied impact of judgment on women, The Onion presents: Single Woman With 3 Young Children Unaware She Subject Of 984 Judgments Today …single mother Karen… read more
The benefits of a trip or two through the meat grinder.
From Yahoo Australia: Kate Winslet: ‘Divorce has been good for my kids’ The 39-year-old Oscar-winning actress says her two divorces have helped teach her children how to “struggle”. “I think… read more
Driscoll, where do baby-mamas come from?
Just one week after explaining that good Christian men can’t find wives because they unrealistically expect one who doesn’t already have another man’s children, Driscoll explained that women have no choice but to have… read more
Don’t overlook single mothers.
Following The only real man in the room I’ve been trying to track down replacements for the Pastor Driscoll sermons which are disappearing from the web. I finally found a replacement… read more
It’s hard on her, but not on her kids.
YourTango has a post titled 11 Things Single Parents Don’t Want To Hear. Note the euphemism “single parent” when what they really mean is “single mother”. The stigma against single mothers… read more
Selling sin.
Recently a self described conservative Christian mother of 5 came to scold me for criticizing the Christian Broadcasting Network’s endorsement of actress Janine Turner’s book praising single mothers: I encountered your blog… read more
A tragic tale of strippers, hamsters, thugs, and baby mommas.
Lisa Fogerty at Cafe Mom spins a mother thinking with her genitals as an act of kindness: But plenty of women make that call to get involved with men who… read more
Ask Amy outraged that married sisters don’t include tag along divorcée
As I’ve mentioned before after the initial empowerment fades divorced women tend to find themselves excluded from their previous social networks. Married women tend to prefer to socialize with other… read more
Why isn’t Carl good enough?
I’ve joked in the past that it can be impossible to tell the difference between Traditional Conservatives and Feminists, but a Slate DoubleX article on women deliberately choosing single motherhood quoted by Steve… read more
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