Status of marriage
She bought a fake engagement ring.
Jo Piazza is managing editor of Yahoo Travel, but instead of being jealous all her girlfriends talk about is the fact that she is 34 and still not married: My… read more
Crazy cat lady logic
I’ll be shutting down comments later in the day, but in the meantime enjoy (Courtesy of The Other McCain) the first rate feminist logic of Katy Kreitler in Sad Spinsters And Crazy Cat… read more
How to become woman of the year.
Marry the man other women wish they could marry. But rather than focus on Amal’s successful career as a human rights lawyer, the TV host said she had been given… read more
It’s hard on her, but not on her kids.
YourTango has a post titled 11 Things Single Parents Don’t Want To Hear. Note the euphemism “single parent” when what they really mean is “single mother”. The stigma against single mothers… read more
Frigidity and power.
With as much as has been written about the sex denial spreadsheet, one aspect I haven’t seen addressed is the issue of power and how the fear of losing power… read more
Ask Amy outraged that married sisters don’t include tag along divorcée
As I’ve mentioned before after the initial empowerment fades divorced women tend to find themselves excluded from their previous social networks. Married women tend to prefer to socialize with other… read more
Even strong independent women want to be possessed.
I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings Only ring your celly when I’m feelin’ lonely When it’s all over, please get up and leave –Beyoncé, Independent Woman… read more
Father Hood
Commenter AlanB at Gucci Little Piggy describes the ghetto version of what I outlined in Intrasexual Competition and the Strong Independent Woman. The following are excerpts from the first of several… read more
Empowerment turned demotion.
Blogger Michele Zipp at Cafe Mom confirms the status marker marriage serves for women in 5 Reasons ‘Boyfriend’ Is the Worst Word for Divorcees: 3. It feels like a demotion. The… read more
Women’s morphing need for male investment.
In a previous post I discussed the importance of male investment in women’s intrasexual status competition. This investment can range from the validation which comes from being selected for a… read more
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