If you can’t feel the current, you have already been swept away.
Instapundit kindly linked to my post They aren’t talking about headship. LIFE AMONG THE CHURCHIANS: “My problem is that no church I know makes it clear what the wife’s obligation… read more
Blinded by the times.
New commenter Punditius* proposes that biblical submission is an artifact of the times in which the New Testament was written: As a man in a marriage to a woman (sigh, that has to… read more
How would you respond if your husband lead/loved you like Christ?
In the discussion of Effortless the conversation turned to how wives should expect to be lead, and how they would naturally react if their husband lead them as the Bible… read more
soulthirstjc puts on a clinic in Christian feminist reframing in response to Reframing Christian marriage part 2: rebelling wives aren’t to blame for their own rebellion. Research shows that husbands… read more
Relishing sin
2 But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: 2 that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience;… read more
CBMW’s striking ambivalence for complementarianism
When I first pointed out the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood’s discomfort with headship and submission, a discomfort which goes back to their founding document, Sunshine Mary explained: Understand… read more
This means war.
A reader recently asked for my thoughts on the upcoming Kendrick brothers movie “War Room”. After doing some digging on the movie, my initial thought was of the line from the Tropic… read more
She who must be obeyed.
One thing I have to admit about Pastor Driscoll is that he is an incredibly talented preacher. Part of this is his unmatched charisma and a gift for teaching. He… read more
Is marriage just a piece of paper?
Empathologism has an excellent post up dissecting a FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey memo on marriage. See the link for Empath’s post and the ensuing discussion, but what struck me about the FamilyLife piece… read more
Worse than fear. Worse than malice.
In the discussion of my last post Gunner Q suggested that the reason modern Christians don’t support biblical marriage is due to fear: Perhaps the answer is that modern Christians just… read more
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