8 Ways You Can Greatly Lower Your Chances Of Being Doxxed By The Thought Police
We live in a day and age where left wing extremists and blue-haired cunts feel like they’re doing a public service by making life hell for masculine men who make… read more
Your Emails Are Being Spied On To Identify “Hate Speech” As Defined By The Anti Defamation League
If you have several email accounts, you might suspect a bunch of corporations just sent their legalese munchkins to a writer’s workshop. What’s going on here? Microsoft Microsoft is the… read more
Will Transhumanism Offer Us A Glorious Future?
Transhumanism covers many subjects. Nootropics, also called smart drugs, are the most familiar to the public. However, there are many other newly-emerging technologies on the horizon, and others which might… read more
Saudi Arabia Grants Citizenship To Female Robot That Is More Pleasing Than Most Human Women
When the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, primarily famous for his partly misguided “end of history” theory (the idea that free market capitalism and liberal democracy will dominate the entire… read more
The Rapid Rise Of VRChat And The Ugandan Knuckles Tribe Meme
Content creators in the video games and vlogging industries often dream up lofty ambitions for what their creations, characters and merchandise ought to achieve in popular culture. Sadly for them, it’s terribly simple for a virtual legion of dork-barbarians to repurpose that vision and utterly destroy it…. read more
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