The Gospel Coalition
Rules for dating a Daughter of the King.
I don’t recall what I was searching for, but the other day I stumbled upon a reproduction of Rules for Dating a Drill Instructor’s Daughter at The Gospel Coalition: Daddy’s… read more
She’s the boss, you’re a guest.
As I’ve been looking at more of Pastor Doug Wilson’s books I’ve noticed that some time around 2004 (perhaps earlier*) he added a new chapter to his theology of marriage. … read more
Missing the point is hard work.
Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) asks Are We Missing the Point of Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’? Wax took his family to the movie expecting it to teach them… read more
Moving beyond the nuclear family.
On Wednesday Pastor John Piper published a response to a single mother named Anna who asked if she had a biblical obligation to marry. My question for you is one… read more
Straining out gnats.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. –1 Tim 2:12, KJV While researching for yesterday’s post I… read more
Weak men screwing the sexual revolution up.
Former CBMW president Owen Strachan has an article up at The Gospel Coalition that has been trending for the last few days: Gospel Hope in Hookup Culture. Strachan offers four… read more
TGC on the importance of a complementarian feminist merit badge.
The Gospel Coalition’s front page banner article today (archive) is 5 Reasons I’m Glad I Went to Seminary, by stay at home mom Elizabeth Garn. In closing, Garn explains that… read more
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