The Gospel Coalition
Four legs good, two legs better.
Slate XX has a piece up explaining that women like Beth Moore are much more of a force in driving conservative evangelical opinion on politics than outsiders would likely suspect. … read more
Comment of the month.
I haven’t done this before, but Opus’ comment on the 18th deserves recognition: Somehow (and as at best a sceptic) I find it very hard to think that Christianity just… read more
She brings a perspective you cannot bring.
Jen Wilkin explains that male pastors need women to preach to women because: She holds an authority you cannot hold. She brings a perspective you cannot bring. I wrote about… read more
The cause of feminist resentment.
The complementarian movement has long implied that the reason women feel the temptation for feminist envy and rebellion is that men aren’t loving enough. Feminist rebellion is seen not as… read more
Supplicating to rebellion
Solomon challenged my definition of the word complementarian in the last post: Dalrock, you said “This is the very definition of complementarianism.” I think maybe you meant this is the… read more
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