The only real man in the room
An attitude of abundance.
Scott commented on my last post, noting that his blog focused on honoring respectable men runs against the prevailing culture: So far, the response has been positive but with the… read more
God’s Drill Instructors (language warning)
Conservative Christians are facing a masculinity crisis. The traditional/biblical roles of men are no longer palatable in our feminist era. Yet part of being conservative/complementarian means stressing the difference between… read more
The peasants are revolting.
Love him or hate him, Trump has managed to bring the Republican elite’s seething contempt for the working class to the surface. Back in March, Kevin D. Williamson at National… read more
Why can’t he find men to marry the women he is teaching to have contempt for men?
The “Friendly Atheist” at Patheos has a new post going viral titled Christian Pastor Says Men Who Play Video Games Are Losers Possessed by a “Retarded Spirit” Pastor Gene Lingerfelt… read more
Why am I so much better than other men?
I already offered this as a comment at Instapundit, but since I don’t have a new real post to offer I thought I would put this up to at least… read more
Sunday Morning Cartoons
In a previous post I introduced the term cartoonish chivalry. Today I want to explain it a bit further, and at the same time explain why we see so much… read more
Piper’s debilitating fear of saying “no” to women.
John Piper wrote in Co-ed Combat and Cultural Cowardice: If I were the last man on the planet to think so, I would want the honor of saying no woman… read more
Mad Dog Chandler
One of the more striking aspects of complementarianism is the over the top cartoonish chivalry. This in turn derives from a caricature of masculinity which is hyper violent (to men)… read more
Don’t fear marriage and fatherhood, but beware those who are working to destroy your family.
Matt Walsh has a new post up at the Blaze*: Dear Millennial Men, Don’t Be Afraid of Marriage And Fatherhood. Walsh makes some good points. He notes that marriage isn’t… read more
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