The only real man in the room
Who cares?
Commenter yac-yac asks why a young man would want respect from a man who would tell him to man up and marry those sluts: That, I think, is the epiphany,… read more
We need to focus on respect instead of fairness.
Instapundit has a link to an article on his wife’s book Men On Strike in a paper in Bermuda. Together Instapundit and Dr. Helen are doing an incredible job of… read more
Complementarian Threesome (meet the new man of the house)
Back in 2010 an unnamed pastor* at the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) explained how the complementarian model for marriage works in: Breaking the Marital Impasse: How Authority… read more
Fantasy Land
As I wrote on Friday, the CBMW’s response to the generations long push by feminists to insert women into all parts of our armed forces is to pretend that something… read more
Leadership means telling her she is pretty
Brian Dodd (the same blogger I linked to on my last post) explains that wives cheat because their husbands fail to show leadership. I’m convinced women do not want to… read more
Why he won’t hear it.
Commenter Hank Flanders responded to He’s begging you; don’t forget the beta bucks! with a description of a friend with a similar thought pattern: I’m currently trying to figure out… read more
The only real man in the ashram
If this is true, it would certainly top Driscoll. From The Independent: Spiritual leader allegedly manipulated 400 men into removing testicles to be ‘closer to God’ read more
She isn’t getting enough dates.
Eddie Kaufholz at Relevant Magazine has an article on an old standby topic, Why Don’t the Guys in my Church Ask Women on Dates? (H/T Robert Yates). Relevant reader Erica kicks off… read more
Message received.
I’ve referenced Pastor Driscoll’s sermon Men and Marriage in several recent posts. This is the sermon to watch, or better yet, read, if you wan’t to understand what I was describing in The… read more
The only real man in the room.
In the discussion of Turning a blind eye a commenter mentioned Pastor Mark Driscoll. Driscoll is an interesting case because while he generally couldn’t see women’s sins, his signature was… read more
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