The Real Feminists
Instapundit ran a post yesterday about the controversy the director of the latest movie in the Terminator series is trying to generate around the fact that the movie features a… read more
Late stage complementarianism.
Commenter 7817 noted: TBayly on Twitter has begun posting #manup beatdowns on a daily basis. I pulled up Pastor Bayly’s twitter page to see what he was talking about, and… read more
Any day now she’ll see I’m the man for her!
Stephen Green at Instapundit linked to an article on nearly all house democrats sponsoring a transgender sports bill: HEINLEIN’S CRAZY YEARS (CONT’D): 234 House Democrats, Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing… read more
Weak men really *are* screwing feminism up.
I have recently had the benefit of multiple email exchanges with Larry Kummer, Editor of the Fabius Maximus website. What follows is an edited version of one such exchange, with Larry’s gracious… read more
Chivalry and the kickass conservative gal.
While they may seem like an unlikely match at first, chivalry and the kickass conservative gal are a marriage made in modern conservative heaven. As commenter Mother_of_4_Original demonstrates in her response… read more
Modern Christian teachers of the lesson in The Wedding of Sir Gawain.
In The Wedding of Sir Gawain we learn that what women want is sovereynté (control). If a husband loves his wife, he will grant her the sovereynté that she covets. As a… read more
It is all about clarity.
Recently The Atlantic ran an article crowing about the feminist victory at the Southern Baptist Convention. Southern Baptists Embrace Gender-Inclusive Language in the Bible*: Last fall, the publishing arm of… read more
The cost of going with the crowd.
You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. 2 You shall not fall in with the many… read more
Father Roulette
A German judge has coined a brilliant term for the new family model we have adopted to replace marriage: father roulette. From the Daily Mail German woman loses legal bid… read more
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