The Real Feminists
Kickass conservative gals.
From the discussion of both my post on manface and girlpower characters it is clear that even in the men’s sphere there is much love for “strong women”. In my… read more
Weak men screwing the sexual revolution up.
Former CBMW president Owen Strachan has an article up at The Gospel Coalition that has been trending for the last few days: Gospel Hope in Hookup Culture. Strachan offers four… read more
TGC on the importance of a complementarian feminist merit badge.
The Gospel Coalition’s front page banner article today (archive) is 5 Reasons I’m Glad I Went to Seminary, by stay at home mom Elizabeth Garn. In closing, Garn explains that… read more
Something in common.
7 For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man was… read more
The hum of the pumps.
One thing to always remember is that feminism requires constant effort just to avoid moving backward. We aren’t in a steady state regarding feminism, and despite the myth of progress… read more
Do as you please with their wives, so long as you respect her in the morning.
It has been telling that Republican outrage over the audio of Trump describing his attempt to cuckold other men is almost entirely focused on the fact that Trump spoke crudely… read more
Guarding her equality.
As I’ve demonstrated (here and here), an underpinning belief of complementarianism is that the source of feminist resentment is sinful men, men who are not sufficiently nice and accommodating. As… read more
She’ll cut their balls off.
There is a rumor going around that Trump is considering Iowa freshman Senator Joni Ernst for the VP slot. People magazine writes: Who is Joni Ernst? 5 Things to Know… read more
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