The Sexes
Serena Williams Blames “Sexism” For Losing The 2018 US Open Championship Match
Serena Williams lost to Naomi Osaka at the 2018 US Open Championship match. What made headline news was the meltdown of Serena over a point and game violation for her… read more
6 Reasons Why I Probably Won’t Get Married
Recently I spent time with extended family. A common question was, “Why aren’t you married yet?” I replied by asking them how much time they had for me to explain… read more
47-Year-Old Single Mom Sues Matchmaking Firm For Not Finding Her A Rich Man
Tereza Burki is a London resident from the Netherlands with three children. She wants one more child. Commendably, that goes above the call of duty, though it’s getting pretty late… read more
Feminism Is Making It Harder For Feminine Women To Find A Masculine Man
I truly believe that society today is not a good place for masculine men. The #MeToo movement (the outrageous ‘feminism’ excuse that’s used to normalise pretty much everything that is… read more
PUA Author Neil Strauss Attempts Polyamory And Fails
After his misadventures in sex rehab, Neil Strauss’ The Truth seems like a twisted version of Saint Augustine’s Confessions. After much hand-wringing, personal introspection, and researching relationships, he concluded that monogamy opposes… read more
Is Enforced Monogamy A Solution To The Broken Sexual Marketplace?
Recently, psychologist and lecturer Jordan Peterson received criticism from his detractors for using the term “enforced monogamy” in a NY Times interview. Feminists mischaracterized Peterson as advocating a form of… read more
4 Surprising Benefits Of Being A Housewife
My husband and I dated a few short months before marrying last year. We were both working full time and living alone before our marriage. Being a regular ROK reader… read more
United States Declared The 10th Most Dangerous Country For Women In The World, Right Behind Nigeria
Via CBS News: The United States has been ranked for the first time among the 10 nations deemed to be the most dangerous for women by experts in the field…. read more
How To Overthrow The New Master Race: Western Women
The Western man has achieved great wealth, intellectual attainment, technological advancement, medical breakthrough, and the highest status in the world at breakneck speed in the modern era. But as all… read more
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