The Sexes
3 Reasons Why Men Are Happier Than Women
Men are happier than women—period. Yes, there are plenty of miserable, depressed men and there are plenty of women who are truly happy, but we’re not talking about the outliers… read more
Why Do Women Really Want “Equality”?
Equality is a strange thing to ask for. Since when do feminists and hard-headed modern women want to be so similar to men? If I were a woman, it would… read more
It’s Time To Debunk The Gender Pay Gap… Again
The Gender Pay Gap myth, despite being debunked numerous times by Forbes, CBS News, the Wall Street Journal, numerous economists, and even feminists, just refuses to die. Oddly, Time magazine… read more
4 Ways That Men And Women Are Different
It’s said that Abraham Lincoln once asked some people how many legs a horse would have if you called its tail a leg. They answered five. Abe corrected their foolishness… read more
Feminists Are Hysterical About Rape Because No Man Wants To Rape Them
We must ask ourselves why there is so much hysteria about rape when we live in countries, and have a culture, in which a woman’s chances of being raped stand… read more
Penis Envy Is Out Of Control Among Western Women
In my earlier years as an upper-secondary school teacher, I made some valuable insights about female nature, socialisation of the coming generation, and intersexual dynamics. I also met some interesting… read more
Transgenderism Has Absolutely No Basis In Science
So it appears that the great transmania—“World War T“—has slightly died down from its heights around 2014, but it is still a major tenet of what we’re all supposed to… read more
Women Should Be Banned From Poker For Their Own Good
The WSOP (World Series of Poker) main event is the largest poker tournament in the world. Every year, thousands of players come from all over the world to compete for… read more
The Male To Female Ratio In Society Is Too High
A good case has been made linking feminism and the various disruptions in the sexual marketplace with the ratio of men to women. Historically, females have greatly outnumbered males, and… read more
5 Appalling Beta Male Moves That Should Be Avoided At All Costs
The best examples of good vs. bad decisions are often to be found among real experiences. Here are five authentic examples that showcase detrimental beta behavior that no man should… read more
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