The Sexes
Famous French Actress Gets Attacked For Trying To Tell Women The Truth About Rape
One hundred French women lead by actress Catherine Deneuve have signed an open letter defending men’s “freedom to pester” women, accusing the new wave of international feminists to cry rape “on a… read more
It’s A Lie That Women Have Higher Pain Tolerance Than Men
Women are superior to men in every possible way. We know this from watching TV. Sitcoms, for instance, teach us that women are far, far more intelligent than men. Suspense… read more
4 False Rape Accusations That Were Made Up Out Of Thin Air
In a classic “he said / she said” case, who should be believed? Often the absolute truth isn’t discernible to third parties. There should be standards for arriving at the… read more
The #MeToo Sexual Harassment Hysteria Is A Pretext For Women To Take Power And Money From Men
Nothing ever happens in a vacuum, and no movement suddenly blossoms into existence without some kind of endgame in mind. And if you were wondering what the final phase of… read more
Study: Men Are Viewed As More Feminine If Their Wives Don’t Take Their Last Name
Via Springer Publishing: When a woman chooses not to take her husband’s surname after marriage, people perceive her husband as being higher in traits related to femininity and lower in… read more
Charlie Manson’s Legacy Shows That Women Are Attracted To Evil Men
Many a dutiful middle-class accountant, schoolteacher, or lawyer believes that the key to attracting and keeping a woman is being nice and providing for her. Charlie Manson, who died this… read more
It Was A Nightmare To Work In A 90% Female Workplace
Two years ago in Sweden I had a one-year contract at a 90% female environment, a college workplace dedicated to subjects such as beauty and fashion, where I observed many… read more
Would The World Be Safer For Women If They Were Declared The Legal Property Of Men?
It is grim to realise that we have reached a point where our contemporary society is so sick, that it could be healthier for everyone if women were imposed the… read more
Tinder’s “Menprovement” Marketing Campaign Reveals Their Utter Disdain For Male Customers
Social justice is like a termite infestation, ripping its way through the body politic and leaving nothing but sawdust in its wake. The latest victim is Tinder, the quasi-useful phone… read more
Does Legalizing Prostitution Shift The Balance Of Sexual Power To A Man’s Favor?
Not long ago, a reader of my blog sent a question in asking what my thoughts were on escorts and general prostitution. While at one point in my life I… read more
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