The Sexes
Millionaire Oxford Girl Is “Too Bright” To Go To Jail After Stabbing And Assaulting Her Boyfriend
Just as Return Of Kings predicted in June, Oxford medical student Lavinia Woodward has dutifully received her pussy pass, with a British judge sparing her from jail. This is despite her… read more
Why Aren’t Liberals Enforcing A 50% Female Quota For Secret Service Agents And Bodyguards?
Gender social experiments in the military are being conducted at an alarming pace, but the protection of senior American politicians is being left–surprise, surprise–almost exclusively to men. While the national… read more
I Was Attacked By An Elderly Swedish Woman For Putting My Girlfriend In Her Place
Like I have stressed in earlier articles, I am in a long-term relationship. This is not because I want to share too much personal information but due to the fact… read more
The Australian Military Is Enforcing A 70% Female Quota For New Recruits
First the SJWs came for the firefighter departments, then they came for the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy… Military recruiters in Australia are facing punishments from top brass… read more
What The Smartest Women In The World Teach Us About Sex Roles
I endorse Roosh’s polemic against educating women beyond high school. Ask yourself a simple question next time you see a university girl: would her time be better spent studying and preparing… read more
5 Reasons Women Should Be Banned From Working As Police Officers
Here at Return of Kings, we aren’t exactly the biggest fans of the great flood of women entering the workforce. Every female who takes a relatively well-paid full-time job is… read more
How Toxic Femininity Turned Men Into Tranny Chasers
Perhaps the greatest lie of the 21st century is that men need women more than women need men. We’ve all heard the tired and trite musings a million times by now…. read more
4 Lessons From Mankind’s Very First Shit Test
Understanding shit tests is important. Real important. Not just for navigating your relationships with women, but also for understanding, defining and defending yourself. Don’t believe me? Then why did God… read more
Women Lag Far Behind Men In Tech Fields Despite Endless Girl Power Propaganda
I keep seeing a commercial that features a cartoon woman who works in some kind of factory. Displayed prominently in her work-space is a Rosie the Riveter propaganda print, emblazoned… read more
It’s Your Civic Duty To Fat Shame Obese Women
I’ve always found it moronic—if not morosely comedic—that middle-aged women think the plastic proportions of Barbie dolls have a negative influence on the emotional well being of little girls. Perhaps… read more
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