You better do as she says, or she’ll take away your kids.
In response to A dangerous truth, commenter Anonymous Reader challenged my assertion that as a sociology professor, Wilcox had to understand that there are public policy reasons fathers are being… read more
A dangerous truth.
The Institute for Family Studies has an essay by Professor W. Bradford Wilcox, titled Marriage Facilitates Responsible Fatherhood. According to the editor’s note the essay is an abbreviated version of… read more
They’re too traditional to submit to their husbands.
Submitting to the Lord sometimes involves drawing clear boundaries and enacting consequences when a husband sins. –Mary Kassian As I noted the other day, complementarians have a brilliant tactic to… read more
They’re too traditional to stay married.
Rollo kindly shared a New Yorker article that he thought I’d be interested in: A Sociologist of Religion on Protestants, Porn, and the “Purity Industrial Complex” The article is an… read more
Our family policy is designed to terrify married fathers.
While the claim is that our family courts are primarily driven by the best interest of children, in reality they tend to focus instead on transferring power and wealth from… read more
What to do when the tingles wane.
In modern Christian theology, the wife’s vagina is God’s messenger. If a woman isn’t sexually attracted to her husband it is a sign of God’s displeasure in her husband. Sheila… read more
Not enough cash and prizes.
The Telegraph has an article up about the impact of reduced cash incentives for women to divorce: Fewer wives are being awarded income for life and they are increasingly having… read more
God spoke to him about the holy threatpoint.
3 Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of… read more
With friends like Gilder, married fathers don’t need enemies.
In response to my post Vagina worship, Neguy came to George Gilder’s defense: Men and Marriage is actually a re-released second edition of Gilder’s 1973 book Sexual Suicide, which was… read more
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