Call me unchivalrous.
After due consideration I have decided to adopt the label unchivalrous Christian. The label is more accurate than anti-feminist Christian, or traditional Christian, because antifeminist and traditional Christians almost always… read more
Fortunately they had a strong woman to row them to safety.
In my last post I shared accounts from Lifeboat 8 on the Titanic demonstrating the chaos and loss of life the chivalrous WACF policy caused. Ida Strauss and her husband… read more
Killing her with chivalry.
Over at Instapundit there is an article/discussion offering chivalry as the antidote to feminist charges of toxic masculinity. Specifically, the article points to the men on the Titanic as the… read more
LARPing Lancelot
When researching my recent posts I came across a 2013 blog post by “Word Warrior” Barry Jacobsen titled CHIVALRY IS DEAD, LADIES: AND IT’S (PARTIALLY) YOUR FAULT! Jacobsen took the… read more
An eyewitness account of WACF.
By way of Encyclopedia Titanica, the words of Titanic survivor Mrs. Emil Taussig as reported by the New York Times on April 22nd 1912: “Only twenty women were near the… read more
Lancelot and the gruesome demand for the Full Titanic Experience.
Five years ago this January the cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground at 11:45 PM with 4,252 souls on board. The engine compartments were quickly flooded, and the ship eventually… read more
Men make ultimate sacrifice; women and children hardest hit.
Sarah Boesveld of the Canadian National Post wrote an article commemorating the 100th anniversary of men standing aside and drowning so that women on the Titanic could enjoy additional leg… read more
Does Sheila Gregoire think her own life is worth more than yours?
In Sheila Gregoire’s post and syndicated column Women and Children First? A Feminist Tragedy, she is outraged that men didn’t offer to follow a women and children first (WACF) policy… read more
Men behaving badly, or speaking ill of the dead?
With all of the hand wringing about the lack of an official women and children first policy on the wrecked Costa Concordia, one would think that the ordinary men on… read more
The gift transformed into a debt.
Blessed is he who expects no gratitude, for he shall not be disappointed. – W.C. Bennett Back in 1852 the troop ship HMS Birkenhead sank in shark infested waters off… read more
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