Traditional Conservatives
Academics understand that chivalry isn’t Christian
I came across a page on Chivalry and Courtly Love the other day. It appears to be lecture notes from DePaul University, and is dated 1998. What nearly all conservative… read more
Too traditional to be traditional
I’ve created a new category to tag posts: Too traditional to be traditional So far only three posts (aside from this one) are tagged with it, but the thought process… read more
Nostalgia for the feminism of yesteryear.
Poking around The American Spectator site I noticed a piece titled Fantasy Women by Lou Aguilar, and one bit jumped out at me (emphasis mine): Leftist lunacy literally sped up… read more
The “no marriage proposals” canard.
During the discussion of The season of singleness commenter innocentbystanderboston (IBB) made a fairly common argument, that women like Wendy Griffith and Allyson Rowe didn’t delay marriage in pursuit of… read more
The season of singleness.
One of the biggest impacts of the sexual revolution and second wave feminism is the trend of women delaying marriage to focus on a combination of sexual promiscuity, education, and… read more
Men stopped reverencing women.
Instapundit linked to an article at Evie Magazine* by S.G. Cheah titled How Feminism Is Driving The Growing Trend Of Anti-Women Subcultures. Cheah describes a disturbing conversation she had with… read more
Never forget the eager role of the conservative anvil.
I originally left this as a comment in response to Larry Kummer’s recent post: Marriage: soon the Surgeon General will warn about it. Larry wrote: Summary: The Left has worked… read more
The unbearable cuteness of complementarianism.
There is a cuteness to complementarianism that I struggle to name, but it is a form of gleefully smug cynicism. I’ll offer two examples in this post. Exhibit A is… read more
A chivalrous view of marriage and divorce.
Pastor Russ Dean* at Baptist News Global asks Why do we continue to label the death of a marriage as a ‘failed marriage’? The United States remains one of the… read more
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