Into Desolate Sands: The Arabian Travels Of Wilfred Thesiger
On August 3, 2003, an old man of ninety-three died quietly in a rest home in England, leaving behind him a sixty-year legacy of travel experiences, a series of elegant… read more
6 Ways Poland Is Becoming Degenerate Like America
This article was originally published on Roosh V. I’ve recently written of my intense disappointment in returning to a country in which the women and culture are becoming more like… read more
Modern Travelling Has Lost Its Original Purpose
The traditional aim of travelling was to completely detach oneself from ordinary life and experience it from a wholly new perspective. For example, pilgrimages took away the individual from a… read more
Why Men Who Travel For Sex Are Not Evil
Are men who travel for sex evil? Let’s rephrase this question in a way that makes it sound more polite: is traveling to another country in order to have a… read more
Will The Philippines Become The Next Poosy Paradise Lost?
As Return of Kings readers are well aware, I’ve been singing the praises of the Philippines for a while now. While I’ve never particularly cared for Asian women, Filipinas are so… read more
14 Tips To Travel Cheaply Around the World
The guys that read my blog know that I have been able to travel all around the world on a very low budget. I have been able to do this… read more
The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World
Most people know that by traveling you can date a very diverse selection of women. By traveling you will find yourself with girls of different races,… read more
Turning The Tables On An Unexpected Robbery In Brazil
The vendador reached into the refrigerator and pulled out two green coconuts. Rotating one in his hand, he made three well-practiced chops with a cleaver at the crown of the… read more
Haiti Shows How A State’s Unstable Foundation Can Undermine A Willing People
This year I visited Cap-Haitien, which is on the North coast of Haiti and about the 10th largest city in the country. Here are my observations and thoughts on what… read more
How To Stand Up To Abusive U.S. Customs Officials And Win
It’s a familiar ordeal for any American who’s ever traveled abroad. Every U.S. citizen with the temerity to explore lands unknown is forced into a grueling, humiliating interrogation with Customs… read more
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