The Fears Of Being A World Traveler
Earlier this year, I wrote a post about how much my life had transformed in one year since taking the red pill, which touched upon something I had yet to… read more
4 Thoughts I Didn’t Have While Traveling
When I returned from my recent extended trip to South America, it occurred to me how much my daily thoughts had changed from their routine back home. These are a… read more
8 Confessions Of A Beach Resort Worker
1. We’re paid in sex By your daughters, your girlfriends, your fiancées, your wives, and other members of staff. Resort workers put up serious weekly numbers. Exotic beaches trigger single… read more
Why You Should Embark On A Pilgrimage
Travel writings, like travelers themselves, come in different forms. Some travel books offer a dull, tour-guide type of narrative, lacking serious reflection or insight. Other writings provide something deeper: an… read more
The Life Of A Location Independent Traveler
For the next installment in my interview series, I decided to talk to someone whom I consider one of the most underappreciated voices in the community, Maverick Traveler. I’ve always… read more
A Robbery And The Runaround In Rio
I first met Raf Kiss a couple years ago at a social event in Leme in Rio de Janeiro. I remember being very impressed with his personal story and his… read more
The Truth About The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
No doubt you have seen, since you were a wee little babe, all the hubbub and kerfuffle about the “Sturgis motorcycle rally.” Be it documentaries, rumor, or cameo showcases in… read more
9 Reasons Why Sydney Sucks For Men
It has come to my attention that while many of the readers of ROK are avidly familiar with the general curse of the Western woman, their scope of experience is… read more
A Night In Lapa
He had just finished eating at Boteco do Beco, near the Naval Museum, which was his favorite place to eat in Centro. It was an old-school Rio place, serving traditional… read more
Why Is Female Sex Tourism Embraced By Society?
Female sex tourists are usually older women from First World developed countries who visit developing countries looking for the “love” of a younger man. These relationships are transactional in nature… read more
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