Stupid Western Men Are Getting Ripped Off In Ukraine
The Independent has put out an article describing the mail-order bride capital of the world, Odessa, a city that I have spent the past four months in. They populate Odessa’s… read more
The Chinese Are Coming
The New Yorker has a great article about Chinese tourists traveling to Europe on package tours. It expanded on the modern romantic ideal of travel, such as what it can… read more
“Russian Girls Are All Whores”
That, or a variation of that conclusory statement, is what various girls told me after hearing I was going to Russia for an extended period of time. My sister told… read more
Thoughts From A Siberian Girl
Siberia is an interesting place. My first impression — why the hell did I choose to come here? But it grows on you, ever so slowly, until you finally actually… read more
How Teaching English In China Can Improve Your Game
First things first; this is not a ‘How to get laid in China’ post; to get laid in China, you need just five things; 1. Be foreign. Black, White, Latino, Indian… read more
Into The Wild
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is, among many things, the retelling and examination of the life of Chris McCandless. McCandless is viewed by some as the embodiment of youthful… read more
Why Airlines Will Join The War On Fatties
Recently, the airline Samoa Air elected to start charging passengers by the pound – their fares would be based on the sum of the weights of their body and their… read more
Germany Is A Social Graveyard
To understand German culture is to understand history. Splintered by linguistic differences and the geopolitical influences of neighboring empires, Germany only emerged as a united country shortly before World War I…. read more
Welcome To Los Angeles
Ryan’s good friend Jim is moving to Los Angeles tomorrow. Having lived here already for the past ten years, Ryan thought it would be a good idea to show Jim… read more
5 Reasons Manhattan Doesn’t Suck
A lot of bashing of large cities and big city girls has been done on this site and its sister sites in the manosphere. Many points are painfully valid, with… read more
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