7 Reasons Why The Twin Cities Are Great For Men
Lately I’ve noticed that there’s a negative in the manosphere. We’ve been posting a lot about why American women suck, and why certain cities in America suck. Well I figured it… read more
What Happens When Colombia Meets Columbus
I moved to Columbus, Ohio in January of 2008. I had just turned 18 and was having a blast in my birth country, Colombia. However I was offered an athletic… read more
What Hitchhiking Taught Me About Picking Up Girls
Last year, I went on a hitchhiking trip across America that lasted six months and took me across sixteen states from New York to the West Coast. It was a wild, harrowing and… read more
6 Reasons Why Portland Sucks For Single Men
I relocated to Portland from my hometown of Syracuse, New York last year as part of a cross-country trip to see America and change my life. While I like the… read more
American Culture Is Corrupting Colombian Society
While reading mister Edward Thatchâs brilliant article Expensive Woman Seeks Retarded Millionaire, I thought of Colombia. Women ignoring the unstoppable force of time is a trend that has permeated society not… read more
The Easiest City In The World To Get Laid
Imagine a place where you can realistically have sex approximately 50% of the nights you head out. Imagine a place where you can talk to a girl from California, Oregon,… read more
The Man Who Dropped Out Of Harvard To Become A Sailor
One of the best pleasures of books is to discover one that turns out to be unexpectedly great. I had just this experience recently with the old sea classic Two… read more
I Got Played
The following is an excerpt from Bang Lithuania. I had already decided never to go back to Europe in the winter again. The lack of sunlight and cold temperatures are… read more
How To Get Laid In Toronto
Living in Toronto for the past few years, it seems that a lot of people actively hate on the dating market and I often hear a lot of consistent feedback… read more
5 Best Countries Where It’s Great To Be A Criminal
Most men who read Return Of Kings would probably agree that the Western world is in terminal decline. As time goes on and things get worse, economic options will disappear…. read more
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