9 Things Every Guy Should Know About Finland (And Its Girls)
1. The street fashion blog Hel Looks does not represent the typical style in Finland. While many girls like to wear bright pastel colors and other hipster garb, they don’t… read more
Lithuania Hates Me
The Lithuanian media has gone apeshit after discovering my book Bang Lithuania. It was written about on the following outlets: Lyrtas, Balsas, Cosmo, Alfa, and Delfi. Here’s a review left on Amazon: Wow! I never… read more
9 Reasons Hvar Island Sucks
After spending three weeks in Croatia’s Hvar during the middle of summer, I can confidently advise you not to go there. Here’s why: 1. Too many British people. If there… read more
What To Say If You’ve Been To Her Country
Once you get some travel under your belt, it will be common to meet girls from countries you’ve been to. There’s actually an optimal way to drop the fact that… read more
What It’s Like To Opt Out Of TSA’s Body Scanners
Yesterday I flew out of the United States for the first time in two years. Since then, they’ve replaced all their metal scanners with x-ray backscatter machines. TSA agents were… read more
Sausagefests Are Good For You
Several years ago I co-hosted a dozen DC blogger happy hours. Most of the attendees were blogger women who lived in the city, and Virgle Kent and I had slept with… read more
The Case Is Building Against South Korean Women
A guy recently went to South Korea and didn’t have much luck with women until him and his buddies put down $1,100 for bottle service at the club. Currently as… read more
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