10 Reasons You Should Not Go To Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia, in particular Thailand and the Philippines, are promoted non stop in the manosphere as the place to go for feminine women and a red pilled life far away… read more
3 Lies That Most Men Believe About Brazilian Girls
I’m tired of continuously hearing my American friends from real life and the rest of the manosphere community making remarks of Brazil as some kind of paradise in which all… read more
The Country Of Georgia Is Quickly Adopting The Casual Sex Culture Of The West
After spending three months on location, I can say that Tbilisi is one destination that is relatively ripe for the picking for the manosphere. To the benefit of visitors and… read more
5 Biggest Financial Mistakes Made By Expats
When I first went abroad, I was utterly transfixed by how cheap everything is. Unfortunately, I quickly found myself spending as I would in the United States for a lifestyle… read more
6 Reasons You Need To Visit Saint Petersburg
With the re-election of Vladimir Putin as the President of Russia on Sunday, my thoughts turned to my last visit to the beautiful city of St. Petersburg. Putin was born… read more
5 Hidden Costs Of Living In Ukraine
After spending far too long working like a slave, running on the hedonic treadmill, and wasting my life stuck in the trap of Western society, I decided that enough was… read more
5 Things I Learned From My Trip To Cyprus
Recently, yours truly and his girlfriend went to Cyprus for five days, largely to escape -10 degrees Celsius (14 F) in Sweden, in favor of approximately 18+ degrees (64 F)… read more
How To Find A Potential Wife In Brazil
If you manage to get some money and tighten your game, the Western metropolises have their perks. Namely, there are plenty of opportunities to meet new girls. Many of them… read more
5 Venues In Thailand Every Man Must Visit
For guys having issues in their home countries—or even those just seeking new adventures—there’s perhaps no better remedy than a trip to Thailand. Unfortunately, many newbies get sucked into the pay-for-play… read more
How To Get Laid In Dublin, Ireland
Ireland has pretty much recovered from the subprime crisis and now attracts big tech companies, prompting young girls from everywhere to look for jobs there. Dublin is at the epicenter… read more
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