How to Find A Ukrainian Wife If You Don’t Live Abroad
International dating is growing in popularity among Western men. The manosphere was instrumental in lifting the idea of dating abroad out of the hands of shady mail order bride sites… read more
17 Reasons Why Ukrainian Girls Are Overrated
I continue to hear that Ukrainian girls are the best of the best for beauty, femininity, family-oriented mentality, and traditional beliefs, or that the streets of Ukraine are flooded with… read more
Is It Worth It For You To Visit Brno, Czech Republic?
It’s no big secret at this point that capital cities in Eastern Europe are somewhat played out. Between tourists flocking to these “new and exotic places,” stag parties stumbling through… read more
Top 5 Places To Visit In Bangkok At Night
The Bangkok nightlife scene is changing by the year, but the lure it has on guys who want to escape the current madness of Western society’s self-flagellation, if only for… read more
What I Learned From Running Game On My First Trip Abroad
Four months ago, I decided to go to Colombia, despite not knowing a single soul in the entire country. At the time, my Spanish was weak, but I was also… read more
3 Depressing Realities About Living In Eastern Europe
In January of this year, I packed my things and got on a one-way flight to Budapest, Hungary to start my life anew after nearly two years of living in… read more
What It’s Like To Meet Muslim Women In Morocco
The kingdom of Morocco is a post-colonial country made up mainly of Arabs and Amazigh (Berber) people. As a result of its past but also its proximity, the nation is… read more
Top 3 European Cities To Visit If You Have Two Weeks Or Less
If a man has only two weeks of vacation a year, he might be hard-pressed to fit everything into a trip that he wants to achieve. Assuming your average single… read more
Is Sofia (Bulgaria) Worth A Visit?
I recently spent a week in Sofia, Bulgaria. I was quite impressed by the friendliness of the people, the modernity of (some) areas, and the general vibe of the place…. read more
When The Little Inconveniences Of Living Abroad Begin To Add Up
The cashier at the restaurant handed me the credit card terminal. I slid my card into the terminal, as I’d done many times before. As the receipt printed, I removed… read more
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