4 Harsh Realities Travel Nomads Need To Accept And Surmount
A number of manosphere writers, too numerous to name, have extoled the virtues of American and other men relocating to places like Eastern Europe and South America. The cultures abroad… read more
Everything You Need To Know About Dubai
Generally speaking, whenever ROK and its readers comment on some aspect of the Arab-Muslim world, negative light sheds upon the region and its inhabitants. Although less alien from a Western… read more
What It’s Like To Use Online Dating In Russia
There is an ongoing debate concerning the utility and effectiveness of online dating. Quite often the opinions tend to generalize the advantages and shortcomings of this type of tool, forgetting… read more
7 Reasons You Should Visit South Africa
South Africa is a country recognized perhaps mostly for its history of apartheid laws, much like the segregation of blacks in America almost a century ago. The only difference is… read more
6 Rules All Expats Should Live By
There are many people, in many parts of the world, living life on their own terms. Away from The Man. Unhitched to a mortgage, career track, or any real obligations…. read more
Where To Travel In East Asia To Experience Bountiful And Fleeting Pleasures From Women
After extensive traveling throughout pretty much all of East Asia, in conjunction with in depth cultural studies, it is my intent to occasionally shed light on the region and what… read more
5 Reasons To Hit Up Language Exchanges If You Travel Abroad
In the last year and a half that I’ve live abroad, I’ve learned one thing over and over again—it sucks having to leave people behind. Good friends are hard to… read more
5 Reasons You Should Maybe Visit Sri Lanka
In the poor and largely underdeveloped region South Asia (India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka), Sri Lanka stands out as perhaps the least materially and culturally repulsive… read more
What It’s Like To Visit The Ruins Of Chernobyl In Ukraine
While many men from the west spend their days in Kiev daygaming on Khreshchatyk Street and Shevchenko Park, or popping bottles in some of the city’s highest end clubs—there is… read more
The Girls Of Brazil
Quintus Curtius joins me to discuss Brazilian girls and what they can offer men. We describe their general appearance, their demeanor, and what type of game will lead to successful… read more
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