4 Reasons You Should Make A Trip To The Country Of Georgia
Georgia and The Caucasus are still quite an unknown travel destination, but are slowly beginning to gain more recognition as more and more tourists make their way to this up… read more
4 Reasons You Should Visit The Island Of Malta
The week around Easter I spent in the south of Europe, more specifically the small mediterranean island country Malta. With roughly 415,000 inhabitants it is not one of Europe’s most… read more
5 Easy Ways To Earn Free Travel
A huge part that helped me break free of the corporate grind was having a large stash (>500,000) airline miles saved. Knowing that I could get around the world for… read more
6 Tips To Stay Fit On The Road While Traveling
One of the most aggravating things about being on the road is not always having access to a high-quality gym. Sure, most digital nomads settle down for a month at… read more
The Girls Of Poland And Ukraine
I invite Eastern European travel expert Kyle Trouble for a comprehensive discussion on Polish and Ukrainian girls, in addition to examining each country’s culture and living standard. We focus on… read more
5 Painfully Annoying Types Of Backpacker Girls
Travel is arguably one of the most pleasant experiences in a mans life, especially when it’s an opportunity to cut loose from the expensive, feminist, and over-regulated western world. Outside… read more
Two Prime Spots To Meet Girls In Cebu (Philippines)
The Philippines is often mentioned as one of the most optimal destinations for love tourism and rightly so. The obesity rates are low (although slowly increasing due to easy access… read more
4 Situations You’ll See On “Walking Street” In Pattaya, Thailand
I’m on the road for the month of March, and after driving all over the United States since January I decided it was time for some relaxation outside The Matrix…. read more
5 Most Common Types Of Tourists You Will Meet While Traveling
My time out on the road has a nomad has led me to meeting a lot of interesting people. It’s also led to me carefully planning my time in certain… read more
4 Ways Female Travel Bloggers Damage Young Women
As social media has exploded in recent times with the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, few other pursuits have been shoved more prominently into the faces of people… read more
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