How To Travel To Taiwan For The First Time
The East Asian region is dominated by economically and geopolitically powerful states such as China and Japan, and tertiary South Korea. Taiwan, often referred to as the the Republic of… read more
The Best Time To Visit Europe If You Have Strong Romantic Intent
I recently spent some time in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and I’m currently writing this from the shores of Montenegro. I needed a couple of places to hang out for about a… read more
6 Things I Learned From My Excursion To Japan
A man should do some traveling during his life, and some of us get the benefit of doing it for work and having the company pick up the tab. I… read more
How Girls In Poland Have Changed For The Worse In Just Three Years
A few years ago, I took my first trip abroad to Wroclaw, Poland and was pleasantly surprised by the situation. Polish girls were incredibly pleasant, hot, and just happy to see… read more
5 Things I Learned After My First Trip To Japan
ROK readers are familiar with so-called love tourism and to travel to regions such as Eastern Europe, South America and Southeast Asia with the intent to meet feminine and moderately… read more
5 Excellent Retirement Countries For Masculine Men
The recent election of Donald Trump has given a renewed sense of hope for the reemergence of traditional masculinity in the United States, and across the western world for that… read more
10 Things I Learned From Driving A Moving Trailer Cross-Country
The world is a big place and sometimes you need to move to a different place than the one from which you started to pursue the life you want. With… read more
Why You Shouldn’t Go To Bratislava, Slovakia
Last week, I ventured to a city and country you generally don’t hear a lot about: Bratislava, Slovakia. Despite lying dead-center between two major capital cities (Vienna and Budapest), Bratislava tends… read more
What It’s Like To Live In Kiev After Marrying A Ukrainian Woman
Suppose you are one of those adventurous Americans who meets and marries a beautiful foreign woman. You are the envy of all your friends. What next? You can bring her… read more
What Modern South Korea Is Like
Over the last decades, South Korea has emerged as one of the wealthiest countries in all of Asia. Currently the OECD country is roughly on the same material and economic… read more
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