Interview With An Accomplished World Traveler On Life And Travel
I was able to catch up recently with James Maverick, who readers may know also goes by the name of Maverick Traveler. I had interviewed him some time ago to… read more
4 Tips To Make Moving To A New City A Lot Easier
I’ve spent the better part of the past year on the road in some form or another. Almost a year ago, I relocated to the Philippines, and upon returning to… read more
4 Things I Observed From My Trip To New York City
This article was originally published on Roosh V. I went to New York recently for a two night “business” trip. As short as it was, I kept my eyes open… read more
4 Reasons Why Living Abroad Is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be
Moving overseas is a common ambition for men in this part of the Internet, for various reasons: better women, cheaper cost of living, fewer laws, and so on. And while… read more
Why Emigrating To Toronto Is A Bad Choice For Successful And Ambitious Men
I firmly believe that immigrating to the province of Ontario is a bad choice for men who are considered successful and ambitious in their home countries. My main focus will be… read more
5 Reasons Why Chicago Is The Best City In America For Men
As my readers know, I recently relocated to Chicago after spending the better part of the past year hopping between various points in the Philippines and the U.S. While I’m… read more
How Foreign Women View Western Men For Relationships
The following article was originally published on Roosh V. I hope I have debunked the fantasy that a man can fly into any foreign country and easily find his dream… read more
How You Can Fly Anywhere In The USA For Less Than $50
Traveling is arguably the most effective way on the planet to develop as a person, learn about yourself, and discover what it means to be human. This idea has been written… read more
15 Reasons Why Toronto Is The Worst City In North America For Men
This was article was originally published on Roosh V. For most of my adult life, I was pretty confident that Washington DC was the worst possible city for a man… read more
Singapore’s Society Promotes The Decline Of The Modern Man
Singapore is a unique Asian gem, often called the Switzerland of the east. It actually may remind you of what America used to be—reasonable rates of taxation, tough punishment for… read more
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