Tucker Carlson
John Zmirak is mostly right.
John Zmirak at The Stream writes in Tucker Carlson is Half Right that Carlson is right about the destruction of the family: Carlson’s central complaint is serious. The family is… read more
Tucker Carlson’s dangerous wedge.
Last week Tucker Carlson broke a carefully guarded conservative taboo and called out our elites for their role in destroying american families. Much of the reaction has been a predictable… read more
“Quality Time”
The Other McCain writes about the history of the term quality time in Living Well Is the Best Revenge: The cliché of “quality time” was invented by Baby Boomer yuppies… read more
Tucker Carlson moves in the right direction.
Two years ago when Dr. Helen pointed out that our anti father family courts are our society’s formal legal expression of our contempt for respectable men, Tucker Carlson responded with… read more
They had a good run.
Last week Tucker Carlson had Mark Steyn on for a segment about the trans boy* who won the Texas state championship for girls high school wrestling. In the discussion Steyn… read more
Who cares?
Commenter yac-yac asks why a young man would want respect from a man who would tell him to man up and marry those sluts: That, I think, is the epiphany,… read more
We need to focus on respect instead of fairness.
Instapundit has a link to an article on his wife’s book Men On Strike in a paper in Bermuda. Together Instapundit and Dr. Helen are doing an incredible job of… read more
Dr. Helen is disturbing the mound.
Fox News recently did a segment on Dr. Helen’s Men On Strike, and clearly Dr. Helen has hit a nerve. Dr. Helen wrote: [The] new world order is a place… read more
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