Turning a blind eye
Gratitude is the cure for feminist resentment.
14 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle,[c] encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. 15 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil,… read more
I’m with Wade Burleson on this one.
Egalitarian pastor Wade Burleson anticipates that the SBC will capitulate on the topic of women preaching: Within a decade or two, what I say the authoritative Scriptures teach about gender… read more
Late stage complementarianism.
Commenter 7817 noted: TBayly on Twitter has begun posting #manup beatdowns on a daily basis. I pulled up Pastor Bayly’s twitter page to see what he was talking about, and… read more
Worth the wait?
I see from a CBN youtube video titled Worth the wait from March 8, 2019 that Wendy Griffith is now married: CBN’s newly married Wendy Griffith and author of You… read more
They’re too traditional to submit to their husbands.
Submitting to the Lord sometimes involves drawing clear boundaries and enacting consequences when a husband sins. –Mary Kassian As I noted the other day, complementarians have a brilliant tactic to… read more
“Look what he made me do!” as a murder defense.
Submitting to the Lord sometimes involves drawing clear boundaries and enacting consequences when a husband sins. –Mary Kassian Fox News explains that a wife who shot and killed her husband… read more
They’re too traditional to stay married.
Rollo kindly shared a New Yorker article that he thought I’d be interested in: A Sociologist of Religion on Protestants, Porn, and the “Purity Industrial Complex” The article is an… read more
The “no marriage proposals” canard.
During the discussion of The season of singleness commenter innocentbystanderboston (IBB) made a fairly common argument, that women like Wendy Griffith and Allyson Rowe didn’t delay marriage in pursuit of… read more
The season of singleness.
One of the biggest impacts of the sexual revolution and second wave feminism is the trend of women delaying marriage to focus on a combination of sexual promiscuity, education, and… read more
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