Turning a blind eye
Warhorn interview: Does work like yours attract misogynists?
This is the final post in the series. For context regarding this series see this post. You can also see the whole series. [—————————Begin my email to Nathan—————————] @Nathan 9. Related to question… read more
Warhorn interview: Male responsibility and female agency.
For context see this post. You can also see the whole series. This is I believe our longest exchange, and I’ll apologize in advance for any difficulty my readers have keeping… read more
Good news about abortion!
One aspect of the men’s sphere that greatly frustrates traditional conservatives is what they see as an unhealthy negativity about our new model of marriage. While the statistics they use… read more
Call me unchivalrous.
After due consideration I have decided to adopt the label unchivalrous Christian. The label is more accurate than anti-feminist Christian, or traditional Christian, because antifeminist and traditional Christians almost always… read more
Tucker Carlson’s dangerous wedge.
Last week Tucker Carlson broke a carefully guarded conservative taboo and called out our elites for their role in destroying american families. Much of the reaction has been a predictable… read more
Unless the men are *Christian*.
Pastor Michael Foster tweets: One of the most common questions I get asked is: How do I attract a woman? I asked a wise older pastor how'd he answer it… read more
Hail to the V.
Reader Oscar wrote: I finally got around to watching the History Channel’s “Knightfall” fictional series about the final days of the Knights Templar, and imagine my surprise when one of… read more
Fifty shades of Lancelot.
As I wrote in What is the blue pill? chivalry is a mockery of Christian sexual morality. What was pure was portrayed as perverse, and what was bawdy was portrayed… read more
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