Ugly Feminists
What can’t continue, won’t.
Larry Kummer at Fabius Maximus responds to the illogical modern conservative position in Modern women say “follow the rules while we break them”. Kummer points out that the position modern conservatives… read more
Feminism + Chivalry = Modern Conservative
David Marcus has a new post up at The Federalist demonstrating that modern conservativism is feminism with a chivalrous cherry on top. From We Must Still Keep Teaching Our Boys They… read more
The gospel of child support.
Brother Jed preaches the gospel of child support: Okay, time to “preach” a little… …it’s not really “bad” *AT ALL* for a woman to assume financial aid for the provision… read more
Headship makes all the difference.
Commenter James asks if there isn’t at least a kernel of truth to Stanton & Gilder’s view of men, women, and marriage, even if they have in the process mangled… read more
Waning pussy power.
Last January the symbol most closely associated with the Women’s March was a pink knit hat with ears, called the “pussy power hat”. The headline at Time’s Motto announced: Women… read more
Someday we’ll laugh!
Commenter Ofelas pointed out the absurdity of the main character in Cat Person imagining how much a future boyfriend would enjoy hearing about her having sex with other men: …she… read more
Weak men are screwing her feminism up.
As I mentioned before, Wendy Griffith tells us she met “Michael” after doing an interview with a Christian dating site, where she chastised Christian men for not manning up and… read more
She made a mistake once.
She thought she was wrong, but it turned out she wasn’t. This is the lesson Wendy Griffith learned in the process of becoming a 53 year old never married career… read more
The heartache of entitlement.
Novaseeker notes that Wendy Griffith is well above average in attractiveness for women her age, and speculates that she really isn’t serious about finding a husband: Griffith is well, well… read more
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