Ugly Feminists
Devouring a lifetime of courtship.
I’ve written in the past about women’s complaints that men aren’t meeting their expectations for courtship, and why it is entirely rational for men to either withdraw from traditional courtship… read more
If she has enough self esteem she won’t tingle for Harley McBadboy
Over a series of comments, Michael offers the conventional wisdom that women are attracted to bad boys because they lack self esteem: …Girls are fragile and they want to be… read more
Cross dressing snuck up in our blind spot.
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD… read more
It tastes better that way.
The other day I pointed out that part of the benefit of DIY is the feeling of mastery that comes with it. There is a related benefit, and that is… read more
Same advertising message, different culture.
In response to my last post, several readers mentioned that they had no idea what the AutoZone Fix Finder 30 commercial was about. Other readers didn’t find anything objectionable with… read more
Aging lonely feminist humor.
AutoZone is running a commercial titled Fix Finder advising their customers that AutoZone thinks they are idiots: This is a strange message for a DIY store, because much of… read more
Missing the point is hard work.
Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) asks Are We Missing the Point of Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’? Wax took his family to the movie expecting it to teach them… read more
It must be exhausting.
A few weeks back Vox Day quoted the lyrics of “Let It Go”, the hit song from the Disney movie Frozen. I hadn’t heard the song before but I knew… read more
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