Ugly Feminists
Marriage strike paradox.
Commenter astrapto asks in response to Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015 3. Instead of showing men on a marriage “strike”, it is clear that there… read more
A tough spot for conservatives.
DC McAllister at PJ Media wrote a post arguing that Special K’s marketing campaign encouraging girls to play football is hurting women. Her first argument is that men, and young… read more
She made it sound ugly.
From the NY Post, Teacher allegedly called out cheerleaders who ‘showed a lot of vagina’ Eubanks, 59, a city teacher for two decades and former educator with the New York… read more
They’re back in your 20s where you left them.
Margaret Wente at the Globe and Mail* asks where all the good men have gone. Wente comes to the conclusion that women need a sex cartel: …it’s up to us… read more
She wants 2.3 more years of sex with other men before she settles for you.
As I wrote in A very long season, feminists don’t want to waste a day more of their youth and fertility on their husbands than absolutely necessary. As if to… read more
There was no sobbing or squealing, and Merlin was magnificent.
Following my original post on Dunkirk, I have now seen the movie (twice). I am pleased to report that not only was there no sobbing in the theater, but there… read more
C.S. Lewis on the erotic necessity of submission.
In response to my last post reader Gaius Marcius was kind enough to point out the C.S. Lewis quote on erotic necessity: Lewis’s phrase ‘erotic necessity’ is not from That… read more
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