Ugly Feminists
A cold calculation.
Child support is the answer to the question “How shall we replace the nuclear family”? This much is axiomatic, with the only question being how many nuclear families we want… read more
Angelina can’t keep a man.
It has been interesting to watch the tabloids switching from cheerleading Angelina Jolie for her empowering decision to divorce Brad Pitt, to seeing her as destroying the lives of her… read more
Not good for the narrative.
From Robert Stacy McCain in Lessons of a ‘Sex Object:’ What can we really learn from Jessica Valenti’s memoir? Compare this description to what Ms. Valenti says about her ‘lovely’… read more
Pocket Envy
As I noted in Pocket Pouting, feminists accuse men of forcing women to buy clothes without pockets, or with insufficient pockets in size and/or number. This isn’t a new complaint,… read more
Pocket pouting
One of the greater misconceptions about feminism is that men can fix the problems feminists are complaining about. What isn’t understood is the base impulse, envy of men and the… read more
Nasty Gal’s nasty woman problem.
In Hillary’s nasty woman brigade I quoted from an opinion piece in Business Insider about ugly feminists embracing the term “nasty woman”. Since Trump made that statement, women around the… read more
At least this story has a happy ending.
This man dodged a bullet. Some additional thoughts. Abuse is defined as anything and everything that makes a woman unhappy. Just because a woman is sweating you to get married,… read more
That’s quite a nasty woman problem you have there.
Emma Lord at Bustle doesn’t want women to suffer in silence, so she is challenging women to speak up about their nasty woman problems. So, fellow women of the internet:… read more
Hillary’s nasty woman brigade.
Trump struck a cord in the final debate last week when he called Hillary a “nasty woman”. Business Insider’s Linette Lopez is convinced that ordinary women will rush to self… read more
The hum of the pumps.
One thing to always remember is that feminism requires constant effort just to avoid moving backward. We aren’t in a steady state regarding feminism, and despite the myth of progress… read more
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