Ugly Feminists
She didn’t stick the landing, and she won’t leave the floor.
When Eat Pray Love came out, it appeared that Elizabeth Gilbert had successfully navigated her way through steps 1-8 of having it all. But to succeed in this game of… read more
Every submarine, every SEAL team.
Oscar commented: I’ve served in all-male units and I’ve served in mixed sex units, and the all-male units simply worked more smoothly… This of course was what the Marine Corps… read more
The real problem with the Ghostbusters reboot.
I left the following paragraph as a comment over on Instapundit the other day, and I think it is worth sharing here and expanding on: The real problem with the… read more
The root of the problem.
I stumbled across an old CBMW newsletter from 1995 (the year after VAWA was passed), and like the founding statement the influence of the Duluth model on complementarian thinking is… read more
She’ll cut their balls off.
There is a rumor going around that Trump is considering Iowa freshman Senator Joni Ernst for the VP slot. People magazine writes: Who is Joni Ernst? 5 Things to Know… read more
What causes all of the consternation about housework?
This week Lori Alexander of Always Learning had a Facebook post go viral with a cacophony of feminist clucking. In the post Lori suggested that wives not focus on the… read more
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