Ugly Feminists
Red Herring
In 5 Key Ways to Cultivating Biblical Manhood in Your Church Dr. Allen writes: Fifth, as preachers, we must intentionally enlist, equip, and empower men into leadership roles in our… read more
Don’t tell women no.
Recently Zippy Catholic noted how shocking it was to see how vehemently the pro life movement opposes holding women accountable, or even discussing the idea of holding women accountable: …just… read more
Not enough cash and prizes.
There is a new push under way for women who divorce to be rewarded with even greater amounts of cash and prizes. Dr. Helen tackles this in Elizabeth Warren Wants… read more
The ultimate affront to cartoonish chivalry.
It is bad enough that we force women to join and even lead our military in the real world, but this has gone too far: read more
He didn’t know it was her turn.
We can get an idea of where feminists want to take converging domestice violence and rape laws from two recent articles about laws in Sweden*. Celia Farber at observer.com explains… read more
Not in the picture.
The Daily Mail has a new article on the ten year anniversary of Eat Pray Love (EPL): Eat pray love (and walk out on your husband): It’s the bestseller that… read more
The fear of confonting sexual sin by women.
This last week I’ve been writing about the fear of confronting sin by women in the form of abortion. But the fear of confronting sin by women is pervasive, and… read more
Aborted morality.
…[what a woman] wants trumps the non-existent desires of a mindless pre-person that is so small it can be removed in about two minutes during an outpatient procedure. Your cavities… read more
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