Ugly Feminists
Feminist self loathing
Feminists have long struggled to define their driving sense of discontentment. Understanding this sense of discontentment is critical to understanding feminism itself. If you don’t know what feminists are devoting… read more
Only if he finds a better woman than his mother and grandmother
Father’s Day predictably brings out diverse sentiments in our post marriage world. For Christian leaders it brings out contempt for husbands and fathers, including the now traditional (if not obligatory) sermon… read more
The advantage of leaving Sulkowicz (Mattress Girl) off the lawsuit.
The Other McCain explains the advantage of Nungesser not including Sulkowicz in his suit against Columbia in Emma Sulkowicz Is a Vindictive, Dishonest and Crazy Slut — Allegedly Now, if we ponder every possible… read more
They can’t experience manly pride, so neither can men…
When I first saw the story making the rounds about ROTC cadets being forced to march in women’s shoes I thought it was a hoax. But I see that the… read more
Choosing last sucks
Vox Day has a post up today on an article from Lauren Martin at Elite Daily: Ladies, The Smarter You Are, The More Likely You Are To Be Single The… read more
Eva Mendes said you can’t keep a man.
A few weeks ago Eva Mendes caused what the Telegraph characterized as a “fierce online row” with a seemingly innocuous statement about sweatpants: You can’t do sweatpants… ladies, number one… read more
Why can’t I write without being written about?
Laura Lifshitz fails to honor my right to write without being written about in What It’s Like to Be an Evil Jewish Divorcee: A group of supposed “Christian” men bantered… read more
“The Writer” writes
As I’ve noted previously, Robert Stacy McCain* brilliantly describes what he calls “The Writer” in ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac. There are several very common characteristics of “The Writer” which McCain has noted…. read more
Laura Lifshitz hits the bigtime
Divorce is big business, and this isn’t limited to the family courts and the wide range of cogs in the machinery that destroys families. When women aren’t destroying their own… read more
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