
Ugly Feminists

  • She would beat you up, but her mom is calling.


    Female UFC fighter Ronda Rousey has caused a stir with her boasting that there isn’t a man in the UFC in her weight class she couldn’t beat: I never say that… read more

  • How much should a husband share with his wife?


    New commenter ayatollah1988 asked how much a husband should turn to his wife for emotional support: Dalrock, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this. I’ve heard it talked… read more

  • Too ugly to empower

    Too ugly to empower


    Back in July I predicted that the (then) up and coming divorce fantasy movie Wild would not have the kind of success Eat Pray Love had back in 2010.  A good divorce… read more

  • Riding the brake


    Opus notes that Sheila Gregoire has realized that sex sells: she has a book or three to sell and with such salacious titles as Thirty One Days to Great Sex, The Good… read more

  • Meet your new master: Her feelings


    In the discussion of Sandwich strike preachinginthewilderness commented on one of Sheila Gregoire’s most recent blog posts: Yesterday she was encouraging her thousands of christian women to make sure they… read more

  • Feminist: Men don’t complain enough when taking over tasks from women.


    Hat Tip Instapundit.  In her WaPo article Why don’t dads complain about parenthood like moms do? Samantha Rodman describes what she calls an alarming trend: It seems like women are being publicly applauded… read more

  • Gregoire vs Valenti


    Rollo commented on the similarities between Sheila Gregoire and Jessica Valenti, founder of Feministing. Let’s play the one degree of feminist separation: https://dalrock.wordpress.com/2014/12/22/the-ugly-feminists-of-christmas/ “But…I’m not a feminist. I’m a Strong… read more

  • Sandwich strike


    I happened to be on Shiela Gregoire’s blog the other day and noticed one of her top trending posts was from a year ago, titled When Women Start Saying “No” to Church Activities…. read more

  • Culinary frigidity.


    Suzanne Cope describes her long battle to overcome crippling dysfunction.  As often happens, she learned her hangups at an early age from her mother and grandmother.  They taught her that giving… read more

  • Chick porn


    In noticed this yesterday as number eight in the Kindle top 100 paid list Prick: A Stepbrother Romance.  The book description reads: I can’t stop thinking about that prick. Caulter Sterling is… read more