Ugly Feminists
The benefits of a trip or two through the meat grinder.
From Yahoo Australia: Kate Winslet: ‘Divorce has been good for my kids’ The 39-year-old Oscar-winning actress says her two divorces have helped teach her children how to “struggle”. “I think… read more
Hear them roar.
Infowars on feminist music. The need to make what should be beautiful ugly is of course standard for feminists. Hat Tip MarcusD read more
Friday afternoon ugly feminists: Hot farts edition.
Tracy Moore at Jezebel is troubled that a fellow mother writes of the unexpected beauty and blessings of childbirth. Moore quotes an upbeat post by Jensy in Very Blessed New Mom… read more
A year of ugly feminists
In my first post of 2014 I introduced the topic of the ugly feminist. As I explained at the time, this is an old charge but is typically aimed at… read more
The ugly feminists of Christmas
As I explained in my first post of the new year, feminists are ugly because they are miserly with love. But the year is almost over, and as the seasons… read more
The ugly feminist alternative to Barbie.
Feminists have long complained about the unrealistic proportions of Barbie dolls, and Lammily was introduced to offer girls a realistic doll to play with. Now Lammily doll owners can make… read more
She doesn’t have what it takes to be a professional divorcée, but she does have cats.
The Other McCain on ‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac: See, this is the thing with young feminist writer types nowadays. They can’t go to Podunk State University. No, they must attend… read more
Full of sound and fury.
Mommyish has a post by a woman* who complains about all of the nice things people do for her. This kind of feminist ugliness is pretty standard stuff, but her explanation of why… read more
Selling sin.
Recently a self described conservative Christian mother of 5 came to scold me for criticizing the Christian Broadcasting Network’s endorsement of actress Janine Turner’s book praising single mothers: I encountered your blog… read more
A bastard of a job.
First we had Margaret Sanger telling us of the woes of American housewives trapped in boredom and drudgery during WWII, unable to experience the freedom, fun, and excitement of going… read more
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