Ugly Feminists
Why we don’t need Sanger: Give the rebellious wife what she demands or the baby gets it!
Margaret Sanger is long gone, but her life’s work of fomenting feminist rebellion remains alive and well. We don’t need Sanger, because we have (collectively) taken up the mantle of… read more
She’s saving her farts for you.
From Men You Marry Vs. Men You Bang: Marry: A man who lets you fart around him. Bang: A man who is grossed out by female functions. Sure all of… read more
The woman rebel.
Several commenters have objected to my connecting Margaret Sanger’s radio program with the larger feminist movement. Bluedog has a long and complicated explanation involving class which is specific to the one… read more
No hiatus for solipsism during World War II.
In my last post I quoted from a radio program delivered by Margaret Sanger discussing the hardships women face in marriage and the importance of marriage counseling. Sanger described a… read more
Corrupted purity.
MarcusD pointed out a recent article by Samantha Pugsley: I Waited Until My Wedding Night To Lose My Virginity And I Wish I Hadn’t. Salon published the same article under the… read more
Frigidity is ugly.
Commenter Jen reminds us that miserliness isn’t the only option for a wife: Honestly, if a woman loves her husband, even if she’s NOT in the mood, she’ll be more… read more
Frigidity and power.
With as much as has been written about the sex denial spreadsheet, one aspect I haven’t seen addressed is the issue of power and how the fear of losing power… read more
Friday Afternoon Ugly Feminists.
Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the… read more
Feminists are ugly.
This is an old charge against feminists, but one which has typically only been considered superficially. The real reason feminists are ugly has nothing to do with their physical appearance…. read more
Who loves best?
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved. –Iron Rule of Tomassi #6 Rollo Tomassi’s writing on how women love… read more
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