Ugly Feminists
Revolving door chivalry.
The Daily Mail has a post up for Valentines Day titled The new rules of chivalry: From who pays the bill to paying compliments etiquette expert William Hanson reveals the dos… read more
How to woo a peasant woman.
With Valentines Day fast approaching I thought I’d offer a refresher on the manners of chivalry. As before we turn to De Amore (1184-86), a poem with a list of… read more
She’s paving the way for the trailblazers.
It is funny to think that if feminism is successful, newspapers will be printing quotes like the one below a hundred years from now (and two hundred, etc). From the… read more
Grill envy
Since feminists are obsessed with invading all male spaces, it isn’t surprising that men grilling is a source of feminist envy. Back in 2015 Jacob Brogan confessed his manly transgression… read more
Songs of praise.
DC Larson at American Thinker notes that the creator of the Gillette ad takes a different approach when marketing products to women. Instead of telling them how awful they are… read more
Hail to the V.
Reader Oscar wrote: I finally got around to watching the History Channel’s “Knightfall” fictional series about the final days of the Knights Templar, and imagine my surprise when one of… read more
Tucker Carlson moves in the right direction.
Two years ago when Dr. Helen pointed out that our anti father family courts are our society’s formal legal expression of our contempt for respectable men, Tucker Carlson responded with… read more
Feminism is the parasitic passenger chivalry longs for.
In my previous post I noted that it took me many years of blogging before I recognized that chivalry and not feminism is the primary corrupter of modern conservative Christianity. … read more
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