Ugly Feminists
Soulmates: The cuckold and his scold.
The ugly feminist and the chivalrous man are a perfect match.* Nothing terrifies her more than the thought of suffering feelings of love or gratitude. Nothing excites him more than… read more
She’s saving for her daughter’s special day.
Jenny Erikson’s colleague Wendy Robinson at Cafe Mom has created a savings account preparing for her daughter’s special day. No, not her wedding, her divorce: I’m so convinced that every… read more
The day chivalry killed chivalry.
Back in January of 2016, Mr. Gabe Jones of Those Catholic Men declared in Women Don’t Deserve Combat that chivalry died on Dec 3, 2015: December 3, 2015 ought to be remembered… read more
Ugly feminists high on rage.
Anonymous Reader just linked to a new piece at the Washington Post that opens with: A flood of rage is rushing through women’s brains. Why can’t men organize to change… read more
Feminists resent his chivalry even as he chivalrously supports feminism.
Country star Chris Janson has a song climbing the charts titled Drunk Girl, teaching that the difference between a man and a boy is that real men seek out sloppy drunk… read more
Angry with God, envious of men.
One of the ideas feminists have been floating is a curfew for men. Most recently this made the news as a viral series of tweets. From This is What Women… read more
Re-humanizing men
I know this is old news, but the video by Moms for Kavanaugh/CatholicVote.org stood out for doing something very uncommon in our culture. Prachi Gupta at Jezebel was beside herself… read more
He knelt like a true gentleman.
Pulpit & Pen writes in Beth Moore Has Man Get on His Knees, Apologize on Behalf of All Men (emphasis mine): Moore started her career as a teacher for women,… read more
Two terribly unchivalrous ladies.
The standard assumption is that #MeToo is purely a feminist phenomenon. But while its most visible and vocal proponents are feminst, the bedrock of #MeToo is not feminist, but chivalrous. … read more
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