Ugly Feminists
You can’t argue with the boy.
Somewhere in Texas, on a Dalrock family road trip, my wife and children were having breakfast at the motel breakfast bar while I caught a few extra minutes of sleep. … read more
Raising her right
Football is clearly one of the main areas of focus in feminist mopping up activities. It was one of the final socially acceptable male spaces, so it is only natural… read more
An unshakable faith in men’s benevolence. An inexhaustible supply of good will from men.
Feminism is ironically founded on an unshakable faith in the benevolence of men. This is implicit in (as just one example*) the whole complaint about “rape culture”. Feminists have faith… read more
To everything a season.
Commenter constrainedlocus observes: I’m still digesting all of this, but I think one question that I have is what are men really thinking in these commensurate age groups? Even if… read more
2017 Never Married Data
After several years of interruption I’m finally able to pull never married data by race and age again via the U.S. Census CPS data tool. This first chart uses three year averages… read more
Meet the new Yiayia. Her name is Sheila.
From Faith Moore at PJ Media: A California school district recently announced that they are doing away with their dress code. Alameda Unified School District says that students may now wear… read more
They’re her bros.
Cane Caldo shared a video from a local newscast: Notice how this story demonstrates the two primal feminist desires that work cross purpose: Be (like) one of the guys (experience… read more
The wages of wooing.
In my last post I offered an example of alpha widowhood. Marrying such a woman represents a real danger for men, and the risk of this is greatly increased by… read more
Sounds like she squeaked one past him.
Huffington Post had an article last week about Amy Schumer’s 6 month wedding anniversary: Amy Schumer Celebrates Marriage Milestone With A Fart Joke, Of Course “Married 6 months today,” she… read more
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