Ugly Feminists
Did an orphan girl from an exiled people dream of one day becoming queen of all Persia?
8 When the king’s order and edict had been proclaimed, many young women were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of Hegai. Esther also was taken to… read more
What happened to our men that our women are forced to have such big dicks?
As I noted the other day, the latest incarnation of ugly feminism is women claiming to have dicks. The BBC has jumped on this trend with an article titled Big… read more
Complementarian contempt for the servant’s heart.
As I’ve noted before complementarians use an especially cynical term to deny headship. The term is servant leader, and while the individual words are right, the meaning of the phrase… read more
If she can’t demand a husband then how do we expect her to demand salvation?
Lori Alexander quoted my post as well as many of the replies in her recent post What Men Thought of My Viral Post. One woman responded to this most recent… read more
The cost of sluthood.
Note: I don’t think I’ve ever reposted a previous blog post before, but with the Christian feminist outrage over Lori Alexander’s sensible advice to young Christian women on how to… read more
A tour through the twisted psyche of an ugly feminist.
From The Seven Stages of a Woman‘s Scorn: Speaking just for myself, I’m sure I was open-hearted at one point, but I can’t for the life of me remember when… read more
How big was her dick?
The Chicago Tribune has an article about a woman who stabbed a man on a city bus and then followed him (with her knife) when he got off the bus. … read more
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