Meet the sexist tools of everyday carry.
Steven T. Wright at Vox.com is troubled that there is a community of men talking about manly things. From Meet the men obsessed with carrying all the right stuff The Boy… read more
A woman’s prerogative.
A reader who asked not to be named describes how the military has come to define rape: One of my fellow company commanders in Afghanistan invited a CID agent to… read more
He didn’t know it was her turn.
We can get an idea of where feminists want to take converging domestice violence and rape laws from two recent articles about laws in Sweden*. Celia Farber at observer.com explains… read more
Is “The Force Awakens” too feminist?
It is often quite telling to compare the opinions of feminists and traditional conservatives on current issues. This is certainly the case in comparing the views of feminists with the… read more
How to become woman of the year.
Marry the man other women wish they could marry. But rather than focus on Amal’s successful career as a human rights lawyer, the TV host said she had been given… read more
Glenn Reynolds teaches women not to rape.
Several commenters have taken me to task for the ostensible naivety of the title of my post Teach women not to lie about rape. For those who didn’t understand the title, feminists have… read more
How “Yes Means Yes” fuels the hookup culture.
Commenter theasdgamer asked how Yes Means Yes is intended to grease the skids of hookup culture for women. This is a crucial question, because conservatives are tempted to assume the… read more
Making the world safe for foolish promiscuous women.
I stumbled on a recent piece by Ezra Klein at Vox titled “Yes Means Yes” is a terrible law, and I completely support it. It is a remarkably frank discussion… read more
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