Vox Day
Only the foolish tear it down.
Heidi Stone has decided to build up her own home, instead of tearing it down*: Simply? It makes sense to just stay married. Especially for us, ladies. Especially for us…. read more
Looking for more LawDog?
If so, Vox has you covered with a teaser and a link to LawDog’s new book: The following is an excerpt from one of the many hilarious stories in LawDog’s… read more
Bombing Damage Assessment
Many thanks to all who joined in Monday to make the book bombing run a huge success. At the link above Vox Day offers an excerpt from the book, titled:… read more
LawDog Book Bomb underway!
Larry Correia is calling for a book bomb for new Castalia House offering The Lawdog Files: As a small town Texas cop he used to post these funny true life… read more
The terrible cost of make believe.
Vox has a post up at Alpha Game titled Equality has consequences linking to a breathless Daily Mail piece: Bouncer punches a woman in the FACE after she takes a… read more
Kierkegaard on Christian scholarship.
Escoffier posted this quote from Kierkegaard yesterday in the discussion of Vox’s riff on my CBMW post: The matter is quite simple. The Bible is very easy to understand. But… read more
What else could they want?
Vox Day has a post today about Forbes revising its net worth estimate for Elizabeth Holmes from $4.5 billion to zero. Yet from this article it is clear that Holmes… read more
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