Vox Day
Fragile femininity and our masculinity crisis.
Conservatives frequently complain about a masculinity crisis among younger generations of men, but while feminists probably are succeeding somewhat in their efforts to feminize young men, their primary success has… read more
Weak men screwing Star Wars feminism up.
Spoiler Alert: Don’t read any further if you want to avoid plot spoilers for the new Star Wars movie. Mark Judge complains that weak men are screwing his Star Wars… read more
Merry Christmas
I do not think I can top Vox’s message so I will copy it here: A Merry Christmas Eve to you all. The night is dark and we find ourselves… read more
False witness
There are a number of bloggers who exist either mostly or entirely to troll the manosphere. Manboobz is probably the best known, and for a while we also had Bodycrimes… read more
Where have all of the bad men gone?
Jessica Valenti complains that not only are men in New York City no longer catcalling her, but our patriarchal culture makes her crave sexual attention from random strangers: Men rarely… read more
Choosing last sucks
Vox Day has a post up today on an article from Lauren Martin at Elite Daily: Ladies, The Smarter You Are, The More Likely You Are To Be Single The… read more
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