Vox Day
A simple test.
Vox Day warns his readers not to place too much stock in a woman’s stated opinion on divorce when considering her suitability for marriage: Don’t pay much attention to her… read more
Radio Silence and Dread.
Vox weighed in on the sex denial spreadsheet that has gone viral with his post Mortification Game: The fact is that she’s feeling incredibly humiliated and defensive. And since in… read more
A most impressive trail of wreckage in her wake.
Vox Day has a post up this morning about a female CEO who suffered from a problem with no name and ended up wiping out both her own savings and $640k… read more
Fear to greed.
As I’ve mentioned before, women delaying marriage are playing a collective game of chicken in order to avoid wasting any more of their youth and fertility on their husbands than… read more
Good stuff.
Likely the fastest growing Game site in the Manosphere, Just Four Guys has a new post up reworking the never married data I shared here. I haven’t gone through the numbers… read more
Vox explains Dalrock’s Law
Vox Day explains a key reason behind Dalrock’s Law in his post Alpha Male: the magic preference (emphasis mine): Read between the lines. All women should try it at least… read more
How the feminine imperative “just happens”.
Sunshine Mary has been digging into the feminine imperative, trying to understand the mechanics of it. In challenging the concept she is doing the sphere a favor by forcing a… read more
Vox weighs in.
Vox Day has shared his own thoughts on Christians and game on his blog Alpha Game: Game and the Decline of the Church read more
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